So I returned to the shops at the weekend to be greeted by hand sanitiser in every shop entrance. Now firstly I am not against hand sanitiser. We have to look at both sides of the argument and also at our belief system ( I actually have hand sanitiser readily available in each studio, but would encourage hand washing with soap instead). Did you know that whatever you put on your skin takes 20 mins to enter the blood stream? Hand sanitiser contains chemicals that lower the immune system and effects the thyroid gland. Most hand sanitisers contain different alcohol’s such as isopropyl alcohol, ethyl alcohol and/or propanol. Studies have shown that ultra-clean environments—particularly early in life—can contribute to reduced immune defences later on.

Now we all judge others. And they judge us. We all do it. Sometimes we judge with positive or non-harming intentions. Unfortunately, our judgment often comes from a negative place, with darker intent.

So the use of hand sanitiser seems to be coming from the store’s perspective. The store is actually trying to save itself, as so many competitors have closed. It is putting in government guidelines to protect itself with its insurance and governing body or union. However it’s important to know how to think, rather than being told what to think.

Though we judge for many reasons, we often do it when:

  • We don’t know a person well (yet)
  • We cannot identify with a person’s belief system, values, or behaviour
  • That person somehow threatens how we perceive ourselves

I believe we judge for the first reason, because our minds want to simplify the processing of information by putting environmental clues into categories. This just makes things so much easier, doesn’t it?

For me personally, when I judge for the second and third reasons, I have especially negative emotions and thoughts toward others.

One of the spiritual laws of health is that no one can heal you, and you cannot heal anyone else. I am always telling clients that if I fix you, you will become dependent on me. My philosophy is to give you the best information, knowledge and movement so you become responsible for yourself and are able to change your own story. Blaming someone else is simply the child architect.

Everyone is different and not everyone is ready to change. The reason why so many treatments are unsuccessful in the long term is because they treat the disease and not the person. If nothing changes in the persons life apart from the medication they take or the therapist they see, then they will get the same results. Also, you cannot make someone else sick, and no one can make you sick. Sickness happens from the inside – and so does health. This is why over 97% of people who contract the coronavirus have no symptoms at all (asymptomatic). For example if I have chicken pox, it spreads like the clappers. However the severity for the chicken pox is based on the health and immune system response of that person.

If you are going to get sick, nothing will stop that from happening except health principles.  No mask will stop you from getting sick if you are not healthy. The only thing you can control is what goals for health you choose to set and strive for.

The longer we continue to ignore the pandemic of chronic disease (obesity, diabetes, heart disease) the more we’ll be burdened by infectious disease flair ups.

Here are some tips for health. The immune system is strong and healthy when:

1. You get to sleep by 10pm
2. You drink water
3. You eat whole organic food provided by nature

Also, stress is a big challenge for getting healthy. This needs to be resolved as well, which is much harder, but until we focus on all the principles of health, we won’t have the energy to make any positive and lasting change.

As long as we focus on masks and sanitising, we are opening the door for more disease. The human race has a choice now: Either focuses on disease together, or on health. Money can always be made from focusing on the disease. It’s difficult to make money from healthy people, but incredibly easy to make money from sick people.

From a medical colleague of mine – “There are no double blind peer reviewed studies to show that surgical masks are effective to prevent viruses. This experiment only looks at bacteria and not viruses. The mesh in the masks don’t protect against the virus and with the space provided in them it can been seen as like a mosquito going through a wide space fence. Plus the masks don’t get worn properly and a sneeze or a cough leaks out the side. Even with the N95 masks. Plus there is a tendency to keep touching your face which defeats the purpose of the mask. Plus you are breathing your own particulates from your breath into the mask which may be pathogenic and you are breathing that back in again. The mask gets very moist and clogged up. This could lead to further bacterial/fungal infections. The oxygen uptake is impaired which is particularly bad with people who already have inverted breathing patterns or chronic chest conditions. Hypercapnoea can incur, leading to dizziness and fainting.
For at least a month or two when I first started working in the operating theatre as a nurse I often felt dizzy and thought I was going to pass out. I never really got used to wearing a mask. Some surgeons don’t wear them for certain procedures. It is used in other surgical environments to stop the surgeon or the scrub nurse sneezing or coughing into a sterile field, i.e. open wound. We are not walking about as sterile fields with open wounds. We have healthy bodies, healthy immune systems – especially if you look after and care for ourselves enough to do so.
The masks are symbolic, in as much as they signify submission, subordination and a lack of love for the I. Wearing a mask leaves you in a place of low self worth. Personally, I’ve done too much work on myself as a Practitioner to regress back into that place.”

The conspiracy theory on masks

Top 4 reasons the human brain likes a conspiracy theory:

1. ‘Fundamental attribution error’. Which is our tendency to prefer dispositional explanations to situational ones.

2. ‘Confirmation bias’. Meaning we become attached to our beliefs and to search for (or interpret) information in ways that confirms our preconceptions.

3. ‘Belief perseverance’. Is where we seek to maintain our beliefs even after the information that originally gave rise to it has been refuted. Once we’re set in our beliefs, evidence to the contrary will be dismissed, actively.

4. We want to be uniquely knowledgeable. We want to possess knowledge that others don’t. Knowledge is power.
And we all prefer feeling powerful to feeling powerless. This is gratifying and empowering for us particularly when the complexity and uncertainty of life feels overwhelming.

So the jury remains out – “To mask or not to mask, thats is the question”.


Metabolic Mike

Rupert Hamby – Paul Leendertise