The way you do anything is the way you do everything. What do I mean buy this? Are you settling for being mediocre in life? Are you giving your boss at work a mediocre performance, do you accept yourself mediocre standards?  We all have off days when we don’t give our best and there is nothing wrong with this. However it’s great to have goals, but goals are for the future and standards are for today. When we raise our standards we aim to access our pre frontal cortex. Accessing our pre-frontal cortex or becoming more conscious makes us become more aware of our own limitations.


I maintain a high standard at all studios by taking time to speak to every enquiry individually, yes this is time and effort but I don’t want to throw people into class. Without assessing we are guessing.


When we are trying to bargain we will say things like i’ll change in this way if you change in that way. This leads to ultimate disappointment and doubts. The essence of discipline is balancing unlearning and ‘giving up” something in ourselves in order to consider new information. While it may seem strange to chose stagnation over flexibility in order to avoid pain of giving up parts fo the self, it is understandable given the depth of emotional pain that may be involved in doing so. Giving up is the most major of human experiences. When giving up parts of ourselves entails giving up personality traits, well established and learned patterns of behaviour, ideologies and even whole lifestyles , the pain can be excruciating. Yet major forms of giving up are required if one is to travel further in life towards every increasing maturity and spiritual growth. But while any change from one way to another represents a death of the old way , it also makes rom for the birth of a new one.


If we value ourself, we are likely to believe that we are worth whatever effort we need to make for ourselves.Understanding our biology can help us switch it up a gear because positive thinking can change our neurochemical equilibrium.  When our Norepinephrine (noradrenaline) levels are low because we feel terrible, raise them and you will forget how terrible you feel.


In the brain, norepinephrine produced in the adrenal glands on the kidneys functions as an excitatory neurotransmitter, responsible for our drive, ambition, alertness, focus and long-term memory (learning). This is why our organ health is so important. You will never look good on the outside till you look good on the inside. The kidneys and liver are the main organs of detoxification, abuse them with not eating, sleeping, hydrating right and you have imbalance and negativity.

When you have had a taste of excellence, you cannot go back to mediocrity’.Maximillian Degenerez

‘People who are unable to motivate themselves must be content with mediocrity, no matter how impressive their other talents’. Andrew Carnegie


“The road less travelled and beyond” – Scott Peck

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