When I was back at dance college i recall getting itchy legs after petit and grand allegro in the ballet class. I thought it was eczema and irritation to the nylon unflattering ballet tights. Fast forwards another twenty years and I have experienced itchy legs straight after running. Not only did I notice this but I have a number of clients that have visited my studio with itching all over the body. Some are related to running and others have a sensitivity to everything from water to the sheets on the bed.


We somehow think this is shameful or a sign of some infection but it’s not. After reading many running forums there seems to be a lot of misleading information out there. Yes, detergents, material that touches the skin and body lotions with have an effect but one of the root causes is the gut. Now the immune system starts in the gut, it’s medically proven. Medical conditions associated with the immune system are chronic fatigue, MS, ME, IBS, lupus, arthritis, and depression and these are just naming a few.

Without assessing I am guessing, but here are a few tips if we don’t get to the root cause we will experience inhibition of healing of connective tissues, increased time of chronic stress leading to other physical, mental and emotional issues. Our body is like a system of drain pipes all leading into one another, when one drain is blocked it has a knock on effect on the rest of the body. Everything is linked in the body, for example, a pelvis problem could be coming from the atlas and axis in the neck right down to the feet or it could be a compensatory pattern for the vestibular system.


Gut: Most people with this type of dysbiosis usually have leaky gut or dysbiosis of the gut. This is an increased sensitivity to foods and the environment. Some of the other symptoms include acne, bowel or skin problems, connective tissue disease,  and psoriasis. Gut issues can be associated with Fermentation Dysbiosis, which is characterized by bloating, constipation, diarrhea, fatigue, and gas. Most people with Fermentation Dysbiosis over indulge on sugar, wine, beer, fruit, grains, and fiber. It is the fermentation of all of those carbs that provide the environment for the multiplication of all the bad bacteria in the gut. As well, all of this is associated with Candida (i.e., FUNGUS!), which can lead to an array of problems such as eczema and psoriasis. I have to shout out to Doug Kauffman who has really put an emphasis on fungus and cancer and really helped so many men with prostate problems. The same if you have athletes foot, jock itch or thrush. We are buying quick fixes and simply treating the symptoms and not the root cause. The gut needs to be addressed and taken very seriously indeed.


Detoxification: We have five organs of detoxification: colon, lungs, kidney, liver, and skin. Poor food quality and poor lifestyles can back up all these organs. I am always telling clients that if what we eat is not natural the body has to work ten times harder to break it down. We are always cleaning our foods and moving them in and around the body. The ideal result is rest and digest parasympathetically but most of us will be on sympathetic overdrive. When this happens, the last place to detox from is the skin, which is the largest organ in the body. I would recommend going on a food elimination diet (gluten, sugar, salt, milk, and flour) to aid in cleaning up her system.

Heat: Most of the time when there is heat in the blood, the Chinese believe this can cause cystic acne or rashes. Acupuncture treatment involves both distal and local points.

Hygiene Products: Some other areas you want to assess or look into are hygiene products that contain paraben, synthetic oils, gasoline or any other synthetic compounds or solvents that can inhibit the skin from “breathing.” Remember you should be able to put in your mouth what you put on your skin. If you can’t it is not good for you.

Stress: We are exposed to many various stressors each day (EMF, chemical, nutritional, physical, mental, emotional, environmental, etc). It all depends on the person, as well as how he or she experiences and adapts to them all. When we bounce out of homeostasis, we should be able to adapt and come back. But most people do not, and often they start moving through what I call the stages of dysfunction: pathophysiological, pathomorphological, symptoms and death! To make a long story short, over time, the body cannot handle all of this stress and it keeps releasing catabolic hormones.


This leads to many other thyroid, adrenal, gut and gonad issues as well. If we don’t adapt and keep living in a state of dysfunction, we typically see fatigue issues, chronic inflammation, blood sugar handling issues, digestion issues, hormonal imbalances, blood pressure issues, sleep dysfunction and detoxification issues. The adrenal glands are tied to a lot of these systems, so when they become dysfunctional, so do the other systems. When this arises, we create the environment for parasites, fungus and bacteria to grow. This in turn to can to the symptoms listed above, as well as skin dysfunctions.

Whats the answer? – Email me for your free Skype or phone consult on the best way forwards or find your nearest CHEK practitioner.


“Eat, move and be healthy”- Paul Chek

Josh Rubbins – Chek practitioner article PT on the net