Did you know that most of us actually wake up every day looking for pain, dysfunction, drama and blaming everyone else. Tough to read this, I know! As Dr. John Martinee would say it’s living in your hind brain and amygdala instead of in your forebrain and foresight.

The best way to progress in anything is to get smarter and educate yourself. Always go towards the bigger dream, drive for change or get clued up on the subject. As a CHEK practitioner we always make the client an independent human being and never let them stay reliant on the therapist. If clients are expecting to be fixed by any practitioner of any sort it means the practitioner is taking the role of the parent and the client is playing the child role (transactional analysis). Empowering the client with the right education, movement and lifestyle choices will always provide long lasting results. Helping them to understand behavioural patterns too is crucial and why we can always learn from our choices.


People are always telling me 5000 reasons why they can’t do such a thing, go to a certain place, change job, house, car, start an exercise regime, eating healthy, get rid of pain, stay in a destructive relationship that does not serve them. When we offer nothing but excuses in our lives, we are not being honest with anybody, mostly ourselves. It’s taking baby steps that can be sustainable in order to make long term change sustainable.

Excuses may seem like rational reasons for us not to do something, but if we’re not careful we can allow them to keep us from reaching our goals.  We live and repeat the same story, often living in our past. Too often we accept our excuses as reasons why we cannot accomplish what we set out to do, and instead of finding alternatives we give up. But if we can be honest with ourselves and take responsibility for our choices, we will begin to notice that we no longer give excuses. When we keep our minds focused on our goals, we will find that excuses fade away in the light of our priorities, and issues become challenges that can help us become wiser and stronger.

“When you have a big enough dream, you don’t have a crisis” – Gerry Wesh

Sometimes we may give others excuses rather than be fully honest. We may think it is kind to tell someone we are willing to do something with them, whether work or play, but then keep putting them off. This diverts our energy into keeping the truth at a distance while continuing a falsehood. But when we can take responsibility for our feelings and express them honestly, but gently, the other person is free to find someone who is better suited to accompany them while we are free to pursue the things we like. When we can do this, our energy can be invested in building better lives and relationships.

maxresdefault-2There’s another way in which excuses rob us of energy–and that is in the power of our thoughts and words. If we find ourselves in a situation, for example, where we are being asked for a financial contribution but we use the excuse that we can’t afford it, we create and attract lack and limitation into our lives. It is a well known fact in life in that more you give, the more you receive. The same goes for seemingly simple things like pretending to not feel well or any other false statements. We may think that excuses make things easier, but they complicate matters with smokescreens. When we can commit to our priorities, take responsibility for our choices, and communicate them honestly to others, there will be no need to make excuses, and we will have much more energy to dedicate to all the things we love.

Brain facts

Did you know that if we use our brain correctly we can use up to 20% of it. We can all find time for something we really want to do. We can also find 5000 reasons not to do something and make excuses and listen to the negative thoughts that pop up in our head. Average people use 5% of their brain, high achievers 20% and olympic gold medalists up to 50%.


Mastery is the highest form of intelligence. Albert Einstein said that a new type of thinking is needed. “Many persons have inquired concerning a recent message of mine that “a new type of thinking is essential if mankind is to survive and move to higher levels.”Often in evolutionary processes a species must adapt to new conditions in order to survive. Today the atomic bomb has altered profoundly the nature of the world as we knew it, and the human race consequently finds itself in a new habitat to which it must adapt its thinking.”.

Make your brain your hobby, start being the person you want to be. Learn to use your reticular articulating system (RAS). The RAS is a portal through which nearly all information passes into the brain. (Smells are the exception, they go directly into your brains emotional area). The RAS filters incoming information that you need immediately. For instance if you’re looking for a computer file that you placed on your desktop, your RAS alerts you to the name of the file. The RAS also alerts you to novelty. You notice anything new or different. For leadership purposes, this includes anything out of the ordinary in day to day activities within your organisation, attending to changes in your employees relative to production, mood and interactions with others.


What do you notice in the world? Wherever focus goes, your energy flows. Your energy shifts to what you focus on. Get focused and clear on what you want and where you want to be in 5 and 10 months. Align your life with value and what you need to work at. Every day is an opportunity to change your life. Brilliance is a potential for everyone. It’s never too late to become the person you want to be. Align your life, to be successful you have to have the ability to follow your gut instinct. Having said that you need to be coming from place of good gut health. You can be a history maker or you can be liked by everyone else for filling the herd. Having enemies means you’ve stuck  up for something in your life that you believe in. How you chose to react is in your hands.

We become what we think about all day long. We are but a product of our thoughts!

Hang on there, when the going gets tough, failure and pain can actually get some where in life, it’s fertiliser when channeled correctly.  It’s always easy to blame everything and everyone else in our lives.

In our pain clinic I try not to focus on the injury or label people with names and dis-ease, as the power of the mind is so strong. By taking the emphasis away from the pain or ailment we are more likely to get a healing effect.


Madison Taylor