yin & Yang

You are not your story, you are your belief system!

It’s not for me. I’ll let someone else do it. I don’t have time. I don’t deserve this. The best ones have gone. People will laugh at me. People will criticize me. It did not work, but deep down I know I did not put in the time and commitment. My back hurts. This is [...]

Will Pilates make me flexible?

First thing to remember, having a flexible able body will give you longevity in life.  Having a flexible mind will help you look at many points of view, giving you more empathy and compassion for others. Whether you are a weekend warrior athlete, a grandparent lifting the children or an office worker. We will all [...]

“Without action, you aren’t going anywhere”- Mahatma Gandhi

Tell me, what is the area in your life which requires the transformation? Could it be health, diet, business, relationship, bank balance, chronic pain and the list goes on…  What are you willing to do about it? Your result will either be triggered by constantly being in some sort of pain or you will continue [...]

There is no such thing as a bad medicine, exercise or asana…

There is no such thing as a bad exercise, medication or asana, but there is such a thing as a badly prescribed exercise, medication or asana.  I hear it all the time: cross fit is bad for you, yoga is bad for you, pilates is bad for you, XYZ medication is bad for you. Firstly, [...]

Feet & grounding – Part 2

"In all animals and humans, a single cell is the building block for constructing the body and and a self centred  template for the whole." Surgeon Nial Galloway As they multiply self self organising cells pack themselves together in tissues. Powerful forces are constantly at work multiplying one cell to become two, then two to [...]

Are sports/energy drinks hazardous to your health?

Over the years I am often approached as a studio to sell a number of products one being sports drinks. Most gym retailers will also sell them, it's an extra way to make money on top of exercise. However one of my core values is always to educate clients and help people be in the [...]

By |2018-08-14T21:21:01+01:00August 6th, 2018|psychology, stress, sugar, yin & Yang|0 Comments

Finding Balance in life with Yin & Yang forces

Finding balance in life with Yin & Yang forces In this fast pace of life and work finding balance seems sometimes out of reach. But is it really impossible? When a person's mission, vision and dreams are aligned, mutual harmony is felt and that person can live pain free with safety and security. We have all [...]

By |2018-05-16T13:11:15+01:00December 11th, 2016|anatomy, stress, yin & Yang, yoga|0 Comments


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