Embodied Emotion

“Your results are an expression of your level of awareness”- Bob Proctor.

We all have values, priorities and what is important to us in life. When we do something we love, we have energy, vitality and we are engaged. When we do something low priority, we feel overwhelmed and drained, as we feel what we are doing is not important to us or has little value. How [...]

A life of inspiration rather than desperation – Part 1

As we enter 2023 once again it is that annual moment were your past and future arrows meet in time. A time to question your life, your habits, your core values, your choices, your relationships with the self and others. We make endless New year resolutions, only to fade away a few days, weeks or [...]

What do you need to say ‘No’ to in 2023??

As 2023 approaches, we all have New year’s resolutions in our bodies, business, relationships and careers.  My experience is that most of the decisions we make are not sustained long term. The hardest resolution to change is always health related.  If we do not have our health, how can we improve our energy, our emotions, [...]

We are not here to fit into life, we are here to stand out in life!

Perhaps not as dynamic as the great Houdini, but enough to invoke question and change. We cannot change the past but we can change the present moment and our future. Are you a victim or your history or a master of your destiny? Becoming your most authentic self requires you to leave your mark on [...]

Reduce back pain in these three simple steps….

All pain is multi-factoral so its impossible for me to guess without accessing. However I have put together three simple steps that may help you on your journey. Traction and decompress the spine - Join face to face here on our 4 week flexible spine challenge, places left this Thursday at 5.30pm here: Reduce inflammation in [...]

Why most lower back pain problems have no known cause!

According to NICE (National Institute for health and Care Excellence) FEB 2022: Low back pain is common [Palmer et al, 2000; National Collaborating Centre for Primary Care, 2009; Campbell and Colvin, 2013]: Up to 60% of the adult population can expect to have low back pain at some time in their life. A UK population-based cross-sectional study of [...]

The secret to coping with our emotions.

Why is it that we feel happy, inspired, excited and enthusiastic yet other times we feel angry, jealous, sad, overwhelmed and depressed??? We are all too quick to blame someone or something for the way we feel in life. As soon as we say: “I feel”, we give our power away. Easier said than done, [...]

“It’s not what happens on the outside of you, it’s what happens on the inside of you that determines the quality of your life”.

I have many new enquiries from clients and want to be teachers recently. You may be suffering from back pain, want to lose weight, give up smoking, stop drinking, leave a relationship (personal or work), start a new career or stop suffering from emotional/mental health issues. Well this is thing; if what you are doing [...]

“What we resist persists” – Carl Jung

After 30 years of teaching, coaching and working with chronic pain clients from Joe Bloggs to pro athletes and also drawing from my own private life, I’ve gathered a wealth of information that I want to share with you now… here goes… If you avoid the following: Losing weight Lowering inflammation Training for an event [...]

Eton Mess, Arthritis & Jaime Oliver

Who is responsible for our health and our body? In case you missed it, our government and politicians have U turned on their importance of child obesity and health. They have stopped the ban on junk food advertising and multi-buy supermarket deals. Jamie Oliver is a chef and campaigner and led a protest with a [...]


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