connective tissue repair

Before approaching 2022, practice gratitude…..

Ask yourself: What are you grateful for in the year 2021 ??? I am grateful for every experience of hardship and pain. As you actually learn and grow more from discomfort that you do form pleasure I am grateful for all clients who have been in a position to support the studios I am grateful [...]

I am excited despite the doom and gloom of MSM

You see I can focus on the article I received this morning on gyms and exercise facilities being down on numbers or closing altogether OR I can focus on the amazing opportunity I have to deliver even more outstanding services and find opportunities in adversity Things always happen FOR me and NEVER too me But [...]

Thank-you for the AMAZING testimonial

Check out this amazing testimonial I got from.....well... YOU, actually ========== "In December 2021 in Invested In Pilates Manchester 6 month ‘Chek program where I was shown and guided through some amazing things". Now, it's July 2022 and I can't believe the changes I've made to my life, my back pain and my body You see, I had been [...]

It was great to be back at Garuda

I mentioned it in Thursdays newsletter about ‘what people MIGHT think’ That I was back at Garuda Pilates studio for the first time in what felt like forever Was great to be back on those amazing machines of James de Silva By the end? I was actually quite breathless, but in a good way Like,… lactic [...]

Why pay more for Pilates apparatus???

How much is your health WORTH to you? WHO is responsible for your daily choices? WHO is responsible for how YOU feel and react? And can we CHANGE our perception ? (Ref: Dr.Edith Edgar Holocaust survivor) Is it the GP, consultant, hospital, government, man down the road or YOU responsible for your health?????? Are YOUR choices and priorities taking you CLOSER to health or FURTHER away??? Are you waiting for someone TO FIX [...]

Will Pilates make me flexible?

First thing to remember, having a flexible able body will give you longevity in life.  Having a flexible mind will help you look at many points of view, giving you more empathy and compassion for others. Whether you are a weekend warrior athlete, a grandparent lifting the children or an office worker. We will all [...]

Why am I out of shape?

Why am I out of shape? Why do I never lose weight? Why do I never get rid of my chronic pain in my back, knees and hips? Why do I wait for someone else to fix me? Why do I spend endless time and money on medical professionals and therapists with only short term [...]

“Only those who can attempt the absurd, can achieve the impossible” – Albert Einstein

I get so many enquiries for everything and anything from chronic pain and weight loss to business and mentoring advice. When clients attend my studios and don’t get the results they wish to see, it”s always because they are not changing their behaviour, habits and belief systems outside the studio. I never just throw anyone [...]

Is your food feeding your pain?

 It is well known among the medical community that all disease starts with inflammation. A July 2020 research paper states that inflammatory disease is the biggest killer in the world. "The prevalence of diseases associated with chronic inflammation is anticipated to increase persistently for the next 30 years in the United States. In 2000, nearly 125 million Americans were [...]

The effects of gossip and negative words on ourselves and others

You may of noticed that I have put Don Miguel Ruiz 'The four Amendments' up at both St.Helens and Manchester studios. When we complain about our lot in life, speak anxiously or use hateful words, we usually do so from a place of fear. So, the first step that you need to take in order [...]


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